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Learn How to obtain a Degree and Pursue a Career within Veterinary Medicine

Writer's picture: Priced out of Paradise HawaiiPriced out of Paradise Hawaii

Probably THE most important element in pursuing a Dream is having a passion.

Having a passion in helping, caring for and treating animals definitely is a plus.

See our related blog on An American Dream and Journey to Fruition, to hear from a practicing surgeon specialist, for inspiration and an idea of what it will take to have a career within veterinary medicine.

In this brief, but hopefully educational and informative blog post we will provide links and resources on pursuing a career within veterinary medicine,

We will do our best to help guide and navigate the journey's from both a US education and a foreign student path, by providing helpful resources and links for both.

We hope you find the information below helpful in discovering and pursuing your Dream within veterinary medicine.

Interested in a Career within Veterinary Medicine?

Here's an excellent resource for reading and familiarizing yourself on the variety of career paths to choose from in veterinary medicine.

Click on the links below, to visit the American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges and the American Veterinary Medical Association.

Veterinary Medical School Directory, Admission Requirements & A List of What to Know before you Apply

Below is a link to information that will assist you as you embark on the process of applying to veterinary medical school.

The links below are a list of accredited Veterinary Medicine Colleges, in addition to a resource for the Veterinary Medical School Admission Requirements (VMSAR) which provides information about veterinary medical education.

This directory of US, Canadian, and International veterinary medical schools has search, filter, and comparison capabilities that provide essential information for applying to veterinary medical school. Effortlessly find information about prerequisite requirements, tuition information, required tests, and more.

The above directory will help provide information on the required steps to take, in addition to providing a list of accredited veterinary colleges around the world.

Learn How to Apply

Resources and instructions on preparing your application is the first step you’ll take on your journey to becoming a veterinarian. The AAVMC’s VMCAS is a user-friendly system for applying to veterinary medical schools.

If planning on obtaining a Veterinary Degree from an overseas non Accredited University,

You will need to Apply and pass an equivalency course, to obtain a vet license within the US.

The links below are to the top most recognized and accepted programs.

  • Program for the Assessment of Veterinary Education Equivalence

  • Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates

Both programs have their advantages and disadvantages. Here's a brief breakdown:

PAVE is a one year program within an accredited veterinary college and costs around $45,000 for tuition.

PAVE is recognized by 46 states and territories in the United States, all provinces and territories in Canada*, as well as the countries of Australia and New Zealand. The AAVSB works continuously to see PAVE recognized in more jurisdictions.

*Canada only recognizes PAVE Certificate holders who passed the QSE since September 2014

ECFVG is a self study assessment test where you study on your own and show up for a three day examination course and costs around $10,000. (Keep in mind depending on your level of knowledge, studying for tests can be a 30-90+ day commitment)

ECFVG is the only veterinary educational equivalency certificate that is recognized in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.

Depending on your needs and on your desired location to work/live, as you can see both programs offer different options for US and international locations.

Beyond the differences of locations, a couple key elements to consider are:

  • Cost of program

  • Length of program

PAVE is considerably more expensive and is a year long program within a veterinary college. It does provide an opportunity for invaluable hands on experience, also to meet and make connections over the course of the the year long program. Having references can help tremendously.

ECFVG is a more independent and streamlined approach to receiving your vet license within the US and is a considerably less expensive option. If you prefer to go the independent route and/or already have a job lined up, this is probably the better option.

Funding Your Degree

Pursuing a career within veterinary medicine is a costly investment. Researching and educating yourself on the various ways to help pay for the tuition expenses can really help limit those costs, if done correctly and if you are willing/able.

Below is a list of available options to the majority of US citizens and resources for learning more.

  • Scholarship Opportunities

  • Federal Student Loans for Graduate Students

  • Private and Personal Loans

  • Career-specific Loan Repayment Program

  • Budgeting and Personal Finances

Tip: Below is a list of countries that offer affordable college educations for International students. We highly recommend that you research and consider your options, when considering all the costs associated to acquiring your degree.

Cost Breakdown for Obtaining a Degree in Veterinary Medicine

If after all your research, you are set on pursuing your Dreams within veterinary medicine, here's what you can expect to pay, if you are going to college within the US.

Resources and links to additional information is below.

The above links are a helpful breakdown of tuition costs, to achieve your Dream career within veterinary medicine, in the US.

As you can see, the costs can vary greatly, but even on the "low end", it is still a costly investment.

Stay Tuned and Checkout our future blog on our Strategy for Obtaining a Degree in Veterinary Medicine Debt Free

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